‹ cw: back of helmet read "I luv my brain", tight trio, tiger fab rider, great fashion pair ›

‹ cw: thunder gals, tour de leggings, capt. caps and sweet black angel ›

‹ great bike riding skills, pedaling ring ›

‹ cw: the best dressed-crew, super volunteers and awesome colores! ›

‹ The Sprockettes rocked their performance ›
‹ boy, boys and more boys ›
and everyone had loads of fun : )

‹ cw: thunder gals, tour de leggings, capt. caps and sweet black angel ›

‹ great bike riding skills, pedaling ring ›

‹ cw: the best dressed-crew, super volunteers and awesome colores! ›

‹ The Sprockettes rocked their performance ›
‹ boy, boys and more boys ›
and everyone had loads of fun : )
It was definetly a gloomy day, but I was happy to meet many pretties out there. Stay in touch. xo
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To view the rest of the fotografias ‹get your flicker on›
To view the videos of the crazy bikes-ring, and more Sprockettes in action ‹get your CurrentTV on›
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To view the rest of the fotografias ‹get your flicker on›
To view the videos of the crazy bikes-ring, and more Sprockettes in action ‹get your CurrentTV on›
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Jejeje qué divertido parece.En junio estuvimos en San Francisco de vacaciones...nos encantó! ya estamos pensando en volver :-) Saludos