Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winter fiesta 2008

In the last many Winterfest-s I've attended, I had never taken pictures. So this year I decided to change that. The era of change, right.
Thanks again to the San Francisco Bike Coalition and everyone that helped/contributed/volunteered -in pulling such great event together. BOOM! Art, fundraising, advocacy, bikes, pretties, music, food and beer. ♥Just great!!
♥the velo vogue-ttes are adorable!!!!

vs.goliath is always around girls
Juan cinco & Dusty.


  1. oh look at you with all the cute bike boys! love the photo booth photo below! how fun!!

  2. Very merry Meli! Love the photos with the VV girls. And more Gary Fisher - what a jacket! I'm glad you brought your camera this year.

  3. Thanks, Meli. It was good to meet you. You're adorable too!

  4. MaryJo/ a yes, ♥love my boys

    Lynn/ aw thanks, yea it was pretty fun

    Lilia/ (hugs!!)

  5. Just saw these shots; looks like lots of fun How cool!
    Wish I could have been there.

    All these biking bloggers..all my my favorite bloggers are real people and they all look so cool ..darn I missed it.

    - man

  6. man/ thanks!
    hey, well there's always next year. hope you can make it to some of the events. it'd be fun!! :)


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×