Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday Things and Thoughts: We're tight

This goes out to my gurrrlie friend. Big thanks. She brought me these tite!-tights from across the pond. Ironically they are French. Perfectly matching le bike. Not bad! These are certainly chatter-starters anywhere. I recently wore them for the maker faire ride, and when the purple bike was recently spotted. So here is some close-ups of them as requested :D They are a fun pair and yes, my friend knows me quite well. Is either tights or coffee, I'm easy to gift. /♥Love you muffin!!!


my calves love you / riding to San Mateo

I like this tropical jungle / waiting for caltrain


  1. ♥oh sweetheartz!! -blushing

  2. =v= How is it that I never see anything nearly as great as this on Caltrain? I must be on the wrong schedule!


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×