Monday, September 21, 2009


Here are some daylight hair photos taken on Haight next to the skate shop and a new hat I got in the lower haight ;)
Caught red dot handed
Caught red dot handed. (Panchito inside the wrapped pacakge)
The more-coffee-please face
The more-coffee-please face
cat in the hat
cat in the hat
red purple + red purple
red purple + purple red

There was a lot of skin to be seen around ;)
Apparently we were supposed to have a heat wave... I didin't think we had a 'heat' wave at 70°.
Some sun worshippers did and busted out their sun clothes, or lack there of.


  1. Great hair and hat :) Purple and red together are fun.

  2. Wait! There is more hair there than I first thought. I like. The hat is rockin'. And of course, I love it when you have my shoes on.♡☺

  3. dottie/ gotta keep'em wacky!

    sigrid/ oh I know, this hair - it's a tricky one. gimme another trip to the salon and it'll be something else.
    yes yes luv, mi casa of shoes es tu casa of shoes ha haaa


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×