Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bici 4 u

Is what I read in the subject line the photo my friend Diana sent me a few days ago. She said she saw this in what could be a 'free people' store near her house and thought of me ♥!!!
This is an mobile photo, but you can still see the somewhat knit-details (crochet?!...)
I can't really knit to save my life but my mom is a fantastic knitter. She has made me tons of scarfs in *very* heavy yard that I just get too hot. Some days though I get to use them, or lend them to my amigas. Seriously mom, I use them from time to time. Here is proof:

1/24/10 photo by eric
"look mom - i'm actually wearing the scarf!"

I also have friends that are super good at it, starting with Adrienne – she made my infamous red bike cozy and most recently made a full on rocking skirt. And calitexican, lock cozy maker + crafty chica.
- - -
Have you encountered any interesting display/retail bikes lately? Object of media? retail technique? summer tone? victim of a tren? – I say the more exposure the better, bikes are fun and should be everywhere!
Okay, of course they certainly look better in their full splendor and not inside a window, but on the road, where they belong.


  1. Meli,
    My Mom was a big time knitter too. Though she
    passed a number of years ago, I still have
    dozens of pairs of argyle socks (which I cherish)
    that she made.
    I can remember that in certain light you could
    see sparks coming off of her knitting needles .
    Cheers ,
    Jon C

  2. Not actually a display or retail bike, but the tiger/wasp bike is put to good use every day.

  3. jon c/ oh that is awesome!
    thanks for sharing, this is quite special :D

    sabinna/ oh so much fun!! is that what you ride?! i bet it makes everyone smile XoXO-m

  4. I am so so so in the market for a new bike and have come to view it as a fun shopping trip and not a chore. But this will be the first "real" bike (not hand-me-down and picked for my riding style) ever!

    My mom is a big-time knitter but makes afghans which are snuggly and useful on the couch when I can get there. Also, NEVER thought of putting the knot behind me when I bike on super cold days; thanks for the idea! Good for at least the first few blocks before I get too hot. I used to bike to work with wet hair in the snowy winter, so I warm up pretty fast, ha!

    This post is perf on such a drab day... Thanks as yooj.

  5. that is what i call fun shopping!
    yea rite/! scarves are the perfect item for our beautiful summer :D


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×