July 9: Market & 12th
+info sfbike.org/independence
♥ Friday: FivePointsGallery music

Mighty Tiger Peasant & Genevapop♥ Friday: TechnoCRAFT Opening Night at the YBCA
This FRIDAY after the art opening !!!
$6 doors at 9 PM Fivepoints Arthouse 72 Tehama St.(by 2nd & Howard)
Celebrate the opening of TechnoCRAFT and be among the first to check out our exciting new exhibition! Come to our Opening Night Party, featuring live entertainment by San Francisco's own Scissors for Lefty

Bikers get lots of love:
"SF Bicycle Coalition members get an exclusive discount to the party! YBCA is generously offering a $5 discount for all current SF Bicycle Coalition members. To receive your discount, purchase your tickets online with the code "SFBC" or say the code in-person to the Box Office staff to get the discount."more+Bike Valet provided. I'll be parking bikes, so swing by and say hello :D
The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) has joined forces with the SF Bicycle Coalition's popular Valet Bicycle Parking service for the opening night party for their newest exhibit, TechnoCRAFT. Ride your bike to the YBCA and leave your bike safe and sound in our complimentary and secure valet bike parking in front of the YBCA doors at 701 Mission Street (Note: Yerba Buena Gardens is a pedestrian-only area--please walk your bicycle through.) **via sfbike.orgybca.org &more info here»
♥ Friday: East Bay Bike Party
Not quite sure Oakland is up to partying after this week's news, but for positiveness sake there is this.
Please be safe ok.
7:30-11PM Meets at Downtown Berkeley BART
The route we have is stellar and it's going to be a blast. We'll be heading north this time, all the way up to El Cerrito.+map here
♥ Sunday Streets: Mission

July 11th 10AM-3PM
More info » sundaystreetssf.com 7/11
♥ Sunday: Civic Center World Cup!!

July 11th
"This Sunday on 2 big screens: Holland vs. Spain"
worldcupsf.com »
and some primo service as well - via the might SF Bike Coalition!
Ride your bike to watch the final World Cup match on the big screen with thousands of other San Franciscan soccer fans this Sunday. Find the SFBC valet bicycle parking crew along the playground at the SE corner of the plaza in front of City Hall and park your bike for free.
♥ Oakland Massker Alley Cat 12PM

radmassakeralleycat.blogspot.com »
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