Friday, December 17, 2010

With love from: Eindhoven

Eindhoven by sindändùne
Meanwhile in Europe, mi amigo in Amsterdam Álvaro took this photo in Eindhoven, Netherlands while visiting his friends.
He makes fun of our sunny 38°F/3°C winter here in Northern California, but I still interwebs-love him =)

He tells me this shot, is an underground-style bike parking structure. Someone get me to Europe soon, I need to party with some cute boys and roam around on bikes all day on that side of the globe. kthx.


  1. Isn't 38°F/3°C below the average winter highs in Amsterdam too? We're not talking about Helsinki here. ;-)

  2. Love Europe - especially the Netherlands. You've never seen biking like it.

  3. Ah, Eindhoven! I grew up about half an hour from there. 3 degree temperatures are normal for the winter there. It's usually right above or below freezing but that doesn't keep up from biking!

  4. someone take me there now =))) I wanna visit! KJZ--that is so cool <3
    thx for stopping by xxo

  5. I just jealous, all these gorgeous sunny mornings :) 3ºC in the sun make for coffee al fresco with friends. 3ºC in the rain... makes for coffee indoors with friends!

    I miss the sun. XXX

  6. Dear Meligrosa,

    I love the work you're doing here, and I share your views on cycling; especially your views on bicycles and fashion. As a Dutchman, I also like your mentioning of Eindhoven and its bike parkings. Your stories gives valuable insights on how cycling can (or: should) be approached, so thanks for that. A bit of background on myself: I am a Dutchman, I lived in Amsterdam, and I moved to Dublin, Ireland in January this year. My girlfiriend is setting up a small bike business, I write a blog on bikes.

    I am now writing to ask if you would like to put a link to our blog Dutch in Dublin ( on your website. The blog is a personal account of our cycling lives in Dublin. Our goal is to show readers how romantic a simple thing as an everyday bike ride can be. For instance, we have a recurring item called 'A Classy Commute', in which I interview (colourful) Dubliners on their cycle to work (this item especially conforms with your views on cycling and commuting). The Classy Commute stories are meant to show cycling is not something sporty, and that every day normal people enjoy the smell, hearing, and colour of their route by bike. Recent interviews I did were with:

    * Minister Eamon Ryan:
    * Actress Kerrie O Sullivan:
    * the Dutch Ambassador:
    * Minister Ciaran Cuffe:

    Apart from the Classy Commute item, our posts focus on (for example) stylish cycling (see our post on sytlish traffic signs), new bike products (read about our test ride on the urban arrow), or the people of Dublin (see the portraits at the Bernard Shaw pub). I think our stories on Dublin might also be of interest to your readers.

    Yours truly,



with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×