Monday, September 3, 2012

Hot off the press: Tijuana in Urban Velo

Celebrating labor day, here is my latest labor of love. 
My Tijuana article has been published in the September issue of Urban Velo and you can already preview it here:

Makes me so proud to see Tijuana printed in a national magazine, hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing+photographing it.
What do you think?! 

y happy labor day! xxom

urban velo, sept. 2012

Ya que andamos muy labor day, aqui les va mi reciente labor de amor publicado en la edición de septiembre en Urban Velo y pueden ver la vista previa online en:

Es un gran orgullo ver a Tijuana en una publicación nacional. Espero disfruten el artículo al igual que yo al escribirlo y fotografearlo.
¿Qué les parece?! 

y si tienen día de descanso, pues happy labor day! xxo♥m


  1. Great article, Meli! Enjoyed reading it. You have broadened my horizons.

    1. I'm flattered to hear that. Thank you Donad, glad you enjoyed it :)

  2. Very nice reading a little more about bike culture in Tijuana. I had heard about the border crossing bike rental scheme, you might have even been the one who told me about

    1. oh nice foto! things and 'rules' change very very often.
      that area is an absolute mess for a bicycle to be an option. it is rather unbelievable that such a chaotic area to high traffic use by foot and by car, is just recently getting a tremendous overhaul. from crossing by foot, it is almost a timewrap, and you feel like cattle at times, just a big line and certainly an impacting impression if one is there as a 'visitor'.
      a mix of good people, tourists, commuters and tourists mixed with a large sum of people seeking out a hussling opportuny, often ruining a possibility for a a decent urban planification for the better outcome.

  3. Congratulations! I loved the article. So happy to see Tijuana get some national press too. It's about time people realize what a beautiful sister city we have here in SD.

    1. thx sam, we will def. have to hang out next time I'm down there. it has its very highs and its very downs, to some extent that I am directly affected to it but good press is much needed to start healing some of the city's long-term and ongoing wounds.

  4. WOW! Great article and WONDERFUL photos Meli!!!


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×