/Fillmore street 2012
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and to participate I'll wear my pink jacket more often for the remaining of this month. I have not worn pink in quite sometime and I think it is time to reach into my closet for my favorite pink piece of clothing.

Ft. Mason /July 2008

Amanda's power legs, Panhandle /November 2009

North Beach /September 2010
+ The pink corduroy jacket
Yes, it is as awesome in real life as it sounds. I've had it for quite some time and it represents almost a decade of a growth that feels like centuries in which I have endured life's extreme ups and downs and continue to gain so much perspective.

/ Japantown, Dec. 2010
During the last quarter of the year I often look for this jacket to bring back a forgotten spark, to remember young love, forget adult challenges and get back to explorer mode whether that is getting back to drawing typefaces entirely by hand, finding a new coffee spot or revisiting a memory lane full of endless sunsets in the Sea of Cortez.
/More October Pink around the web:
+ Recently Flickr's blog posted a few pink October images along other participating organisations here: Pink photos for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
+ You can even turn any picture with a total pink tone here: LunaPic
+ HuffingtopPost: Pink pumpkins
+ Eliazabeth Hurley has been the face of the Estee Lauder Cos.' breast-cancer awareness and fundraising efforts for 18 years and still gets dressed in pink each October. Read more here: sfgate
+ Film photography via I Shoot Film blog: Pink October
+ USAtoday: Hot (pink) debate: Michelle, Ann both wear fuschia
looking amazing como siempre!