Photos: Toronto Protesters Meet Bike Lane Removal Crew Head On
Streetsblog +SFGate
Gets some fresh air from its bike columns. Also, very refreshing to see a foto (streetblog) representing the north of market and west divisadero side of the city. Nice!
Read it on Streetblog here: Like Wind in Your Hair: A Chronicle Columnist’s Refreshing Bicycling Decree.
Read it on SFGate here: Bicycling in San Francisco by Caille Millner
Bicycling safety practices that save lives
-via CaliforniaBeat: After fatal biking accident, tips for a safer ride in the Bay Area
The Lower Haight: FILM LIVES! Glass Key Photo and 4×5 Gallery
I'll definitely check out this spot soon, soon in the lower Haight. This is great!
via haighteration:
"For two years, Glass Key Photo has been a delightful pop-up in the back of Rooky Ricardo’s vinyl shop in the Lower Haight. But with a growing customer base, and interest in film photography on the rise, owner Matt Osborne finally felt it was time to expand."Read on: Glass Key Photo and 4×5 Gallery
/screenshot of a foto from the haighteration blog.
PacHeights: Evolution
I had not heard of a main-stream juice bars asides noticing their popularity while visiting Los Angeles, is it really becoming popular in the Bay Area? I know I'd like to try Corazón in the Mission soon, but have not yet been. I'm very juice-illiterate +all I know is that many friends are in love with their vitamix machine...

It was a Coffee Bean last I remember passing by on the bus/1 California. Not sure if Coffee bean went kaput nationally, I had ever been to one. Starbucks has made some big Bay Area news by acquiring the Bay Area's little bakery darling La Boulange, and teaming up with mobile-finance tech company Square.
Long-time reader Harry H. has the scoop on snacks and the clover machine updates in a Starbucks in the financial district and I can't wait to check them out with the Boulange treats in store.

Anyways, it was the lettering on the windows that caught my attention, seems like they'll do OK with the tremendous foot traffic from the medical crowd for lunch.
Have you tried the juice-menu at Evolution? Do tell.
Around the web // The New Fillmore: Starbucks opens new juice bar.
Speaking of Starbucks, found this design fail in Brands of the World FB page, too funny:
Will the sun ever be out of fuel?
do you know when? find that and other fun facts here: Ten Random Astro-Facts to Entertain and Boggle via KQED
I had not heard of a main-stream juice bars asides noticing their popularity while visiting Los Angeles, is it really becoming popular in the Bay Area? I know I'd like to try Corazón in the Mission soon, but have not yet been. I'm very juice-illiterate +all I know is that many friends are in love with their vitamix machine...

It was a Coffee Bean last I remember passing by on the bus/1 California. Not sure if Coffee bean went kaput nationally, I had ever been to one. Starbucks has made some big Bay Area news by acquiring the Bay Area's little bakery darling La Boulange, and teaming up with mobile-finance tech company Square.
Long-time reader Harry H. has the scoop on snacks and the clover machine updates in a Starbucks in the financial district and I can't wait to check them out with the Boulange treats in store.

Anyways, it was the lettering on the windows that caught my attention, seems like they'll do OK with the tremendous foot traffic from the medical crowd for lunch.
Have you tried the juice-menu at Evolution? Do tell.
Around the web // The New Fillmore: Starbucks opens new juice bar.
Speaking of Starbucks, found this design fail in Brands of the World FB page, too funny:
Will the sun ever be out of fuel?
do you know when? find that and other fun facts here: Ten Random Astro-Facts to Entertain and Boggle via KQED
Create time
I've found myself sharing this article more than a few times last week w/pals, here is this great little article by local web innovator rock star (and women-in-tech icon) Caterina Fake on LinkedIn, check it out here: How to Create Time
This is a few weeks late, but in case anyone was wondering, wonder no more.
I *just* finished watching the 10th season's finale for Project Runway.
Fabio was my FAVORITO and I would love to wear those pastel pieces he did for the final, though that colour pallete would be a first. Just thought I'd let you know.
Duh! moment of season10: Michael Kors learning that kids love capes.Who was your favorite?
Best words of season10: "Fashion is not for sissieeeeeeees" -Michael Kors at the candy store challenge.
Highlight of season10: FABIOFABIOFABIO. I was married to him every Thursday♥
Congrats to Dimitri!
Four Barrel: big batch from around the world
New coffees now available +continuing list over at Four Barrel: this is what we do

Food drive to benefit the SF Food Bank: 7TH Annual SuperMarketStreetSweep
I'm very proud to be able to contribute my little two cents once again to 2012 SMSW.
The 2012 poster is now released: Hail to the sweep!
Their stats+info are as follows [provided by SMSW]
To date, our cumulative donations to the food bank has provided 81,882 meals to those in need.
SMSW stats:
2006: 80 racers brought in 1,172 lbs of food!
2007: 110 racers brought in 1,595 lbs of food!
2008: 150 racers brought in 5,266 lbs of food!
2009: 198 racers brought in 7,507 lbs of food!
2010: 171 racers - 6,920 lbs. of food + $4,877!
2011: 201 racers - 7,990 lbs. of food + $9,552!
We're updating our blog regularly here: http://supermarketstreetsweep.
And we're on: Facebook / Twitter / Google+
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OK, that is all for now
OK, that is all for now
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