Bill Nye
Born William Sanford "Bill" Nye on November 27, 1955 (age 57)
Washington, D.C.
Popularly known as Bill Nye the Science Guy, is an American science educator, comedian, television host, actor, mechanical engineer, writer, and scientist. /wiki

/Bill_Nye_Bicycle by amckimmey

/Untitled by Revenge of the Electric Car
"I claim the quality of my life is higher than most people’s. Nothing gives me greater joy than riding my bike." He travels with his bike "I’ll have to travel light enough to fit my luggage on the bike," his guilty pleasure are Martinis +pays about $7 on his electrical bill: Greener Pastures by Edward Lewine /NYTimes

/Planetfest 2012 by NASA HQ
Lori G & Bill- Dr Jim Bell in backgrnd.…
— Bill Nye (@TheScienceGuy) August 4, 2012
Here he is earlier this month, during this past election:
Ed B & I voted this morning. Hope you do too…
— Bill Nye (@TheScienceGuy) November 6, 2012
In the early 90s I was convinced I was the next Hakeem Olajuwon. After convincing my mom to get some kind of basic cable, I could finally watch Sportcenter +Daria.
Then I discovered Bill Nye's show. I loved it!
That year in my middle school's science contest, with the aluminum paper microwave I had seen in the show. It worked! I didn't get any prize or mention, but the DIY cardboard/foil paper box did turn a banana into puree. I think I got a good grade.
A couple of years later in high school, I was part of my Ecology Club in high school (3 of us!) and did a ton of landfill talks to elementary kids. My mentor was awesome, most of the students were indifferent as she had ALL THIS STUFF in her classroom –you know– paper bags, plants, dirt + endless supply of re-re-repurposed ziploc bags. She had a huge influence in the way I live+love this planet through her science +sustainability teachings.
Sounds very hippie for a teenager in the mid-90s, but it is true. During my sophomore year the club built the first compost garden located in the back corner of the parking lot :)
→ PS. Bill Nye +Sheldon Cooper. Needs to happen already!
Thanks Ms. A. Thank you Bill Nye.
*best comment: "Poor bill bikeing all the way out there for pluto its not even a planet anymore :("