Friday, March 15, 2013

The Spinster, a film by Kristin Tieche: Upcoming events

Local fabulous woman and friend Kristin Tieche, is an independent filmmkaer with a new film The Spinster. We are all so very proud of her film and today I'm taking a moment here to promote her kickstarter project +efforts:
The Spinster is a psychological thriller that follows a cycle vixen in search of true love into the dark, shadowy depths of romance.
Read all about on the kickstarter page: 
The Spinster Completion Funds by Kristin Tieche
UPCOMING EVENTS: Tonight, March Friday 15th
Bicycle Art Salon
1600 E. 31st Street Oakland, CA 94602
510-356-5665 (RSVP - space limited)
Facebook page event here: LINK

UPCOMING EVENTS: Nooworks, March Friday 29th
Fri 3/29 7 pm The Spinster Kickstarter Wrap Party at Nooworks [FB event page]
395 Valencia street 
Come see exclusive clips from the film (the famous BAR SCENE) 
Meet cast & crew | Music by DJ Precious Cargo | Photography by Jillian Betterly | Food by MamakSF | Drinks from Cerruti Cellars | Numi Tea Silent Auction: includes Nooworks, Po Campo, Hotel Carlton, Animal House SF and more! 
Sliding scale donations taken at the door for Kickstarter rewards!
The Spinster Kickstarter Wrap Party

The initial opening Kickstarter event took place Friday last week, March 1st at Huckleberry bikes on Market street, such a beautiful retail store. Here are some fotos:
Was really great to see a few of my friends and many bikey pals I hadn't seen in a very long time. This bike shop is fairly new, super nice and it plays an important role in the film. Go Spinster!
Doorman, fundraising computer/ipad station and the limited edition poster sketches in the background for voting, designed by yours truly. Pretty exciting!
Food was enjoyed and catered, beer was served by Jason of Comrades Brewing

// The Spinster, a film by Kristin TiecheKickstarter (Ends March 31st)
Facebook | Twitter | Vimeo


  1. Yay! Thanks for getting the word out about my film! You are wonderful! xoxo

  2. I love that the caterers used real plates and cutlery, instead of paper plates and plastic cutlery!

  3. Its events like this that i want to trade my CN Tower in for your Bridges... maybe i'll retire there. Way to go KT and Meli!


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×