Got to check out Phono del Sol a little over two weeks ago.
My two girlfriends got there a bit before I did so they got to see a couple more bands.
I was interested in checking out local darling band Thee Oh Sees for the 3rd time, and Bleached for the first – which I randomly found on the internets a few months ago and was curious to see them live.
Only got to see the last 2 songs by Bleached and they were pretty good. I liked these Angelenas and I hope they play again and come back to the city at some point.

Bleached at Phono del Sol.

Bleached at Phono del Sol.
Then, Thee Oh Sees were awesome.
Their energy is super vibrant, and you couldn't ask for a better sunny Saturday, british-sounding beats (reminds me oh so very closely of the epic The Fall) y skater kids in the background, sweaty teenagers crowdsurfng and a non-stop-all-ages-mini-moshpit, which during the band's last set they said 'everyone just come up here' and the stage was immediately flash-flooded [band's view]
Only foto I took of them is the one atop.
I also took a video for once. This is dedicated to my friend Adrienne, who says that you know it is a good live music time once you find the Trippy Dancer.
and then we sure found him:
Love the b/w photos.