i have certainly had a rather strong year of a somewhat affinity, to attend multiple local book talks as well as making an effort to get tickets ahead of time aka not-the-day-of for music shows that interest enough to get me away from home and the pj's, the warriors or other basketball features.
so far, it has worked quite well.
i've found tremendous joy and peace observing in attendance, and even running into a few recurring faces with these book events, and music shows, or running into familiar book store clerks.
i have to start gettting better at finding more (more!) time to read all those books that are starting to pile up, on basically any flat surface around the house. not a bad problem, i suppose.
here are three sketches i wanted to share with you all.
two from recent rock-author-bio lectures, and a music show.
O C T O B E R ×

Elvis Costello presented his book Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink in the city, arts, lecture series here in san francisco. the Nourse theatre fairly recently reopened (to me, 2012) after 30+ years or so. the lecture was incredibly pleasant. the venue is classic though many components new and rennovated, absolutely beautiful.
he sang close to a handful of songs at the end. an absolute treat.
the night concluded with an improvised quick friend dinner date afterwards at a nearby greek restaurant in hayes valley, very nice.
N O V E M B E R ×

Patti Smith presented her book M Train. It was so great and sincere.
We had an all-gals nite out, and it seems that we were not the only group to plan that.
A very high ratio of women:men, in the beautiful angelico hall – an old school wooden building in the dominican university in san rafael. it was just beaming. Patti ended the night singing a few songs as well, and it was super.
D E C E M B E R ×

the Dandy Warhols played twice this week at the great american music hall, i attended the wednesday night show.
it was a nice, fun time out. they are very light and easy and the audio was good. i wore mi old bjm shirt and caught only the end of joel gion's band, which i have now seen several times. two beers were had.
a note: it was really cool of them to share mi little drawing on their social media thing one and thing two.
// drawings that are on draft and WIP in mi mind are: recent performances by café tacuba (oakland show), ride (santa cruz) y bomba estéreo (san francisco show) … and few more lingering in the visual hardrives inside mi head etc.
thanks for stopping by.
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with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×