Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I have my heart in San Francisco

& someone left this big one here...

There's red everywhere.


  1. I think maybe that is my heart♡ ~ can you send it to me? ☺

  2. Your pictures convince me that I need to take Don to San Francisco. I've been a few times (though when I was younger, with my mom). But, I haven't visited recently... and Don has never been. How's the weather usually in late March early April?

  3. Ah, man...I love those boots!

  4. sigrid/ yes! it has your name all over it

    miss sarah/ aw, that'd be great! march-april are typically nice. Some years get rainy/windy, some don't. Not bad at all :)

    Jon/ thanks :)

    joshylola/ estaria super!


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×