Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One momentum, please

I'm happy to present you this article, it is my first written-printed piece, I hope you enjoy it:
Momentum-The Magazine for Self Propelled People | What to Wear by Meli
You can now pick up your Momentum magazine around a number of local bicycle/coffee shops. Cheers!


  1. Very cool! Kudos and cheers.
    Jon C.

  2. Tonight's SFBC Volunteer Appreciation bash revved into a new high when Meli flashed in...probably not much caffeination going on but Meli was the perfect complement. Keep up the great writing.

  3. Oh, how lovely.
    People around here should have a look at that (especially girls, still frightened by the common idea that cycling is "sporty" and that you must whear neon colours and tight lycra pants).
    Good job!

  4. thanks so much everyone!! I'm quite stoked about it ;D


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×