Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunday street sightings.

Basket blues
Pyramid of wheels

My fave was hanging out with the girls, I mostly sat and chatted this Sunday Streets. Being able to sit around, enjoy the weather, drink lots of coffee and catch up. Super :D
We missed the calitexican, but she was being a rockstar volunteer - yay.

the badass girls 1 by Kristin Tieche

I borrowed the above pic from KT (looking fab on Sunday). From L-R: Lilia, Úna and Ade, moi et KT.


  1. Qué bonitas fotografías, da gusto que haga sol para salir a la calle.Aquí comienza ya la primavera :-D
    Saludos desde España

  2. I wanna come to the next one!~HJ

  3. mil gracias josh/lola, me encanta salir a pasear en bici y mas que nada con mis amigas. feliz primavera a ti también!! :D

    hyejin/ i will remind ya, would be AWESOME to have you!! <3


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×