♥This week, I'll be posting a selection of photos I have gathered of the fine men that roam the city. This is a small series, don't worry I will feature more in the near, near feature. A third of my Bikes, boys + coffee trifecta for a dose of daily charm to add to your flirt factor in addition to your San Francisco's bike lane action :D
I have almost as many bikes as I do toes. I believe I currently have 7 in the garage and 1 more on its way. I'm not going to bother getting into details other than I have 3 cyclocross bikes, two 'city' bikes, two mountain bikes. Some people say I have a problem... I'd like to think that I just have a healthy habit that includes having too many bikes and getting new ones often. I basically ride my city bikes most of the time to and from work.
All photos below this one provided by Jason

I don't really have a favourite coffee shop as I mostly make my coffee at home - french press, drip or cold-brewed for iced. I usually take an afternoon walk with my coworkers to Vega at Langton for our caffeine fix.
As for tea, I occasionally drink black tea, but I have some nice white tea I indulge in.

'Hood and fave bike ride in city:I currently live in the Mission. I used to live in the Western Addition, Alamo Square, the Castro, and other places in the Mission. My favourite place I have lived in SF so far was at 18th & Harrison - close to great restaurants (Universal Cafe, Schmidt's, El Matate, et al), Rainbow, close to BART & Caltrain and easy to get anywhere in they city pretty easily.
I don't really have a favorite route because I like taking a different route when I go places to explore new areas - even if it is only for a block or two off the normal route I may take. Recently I have been exploring the Financial District mid-day and am enjoying the different scene.
My favorite ride in the city is possibly with my mountain bike or cross bike: Up Twin Peaks, across dirt over to Mt. Sutro and a few laps on the very nice trails there. Then some random out of the way detour on the way home through the Sunset / Golden Gate Park.


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with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×