Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Women who bike the distance: Vivian

This is a dedicated Wednesday post series for women that kick butt in the everyday errands, commute and fun rides, and decide to take it a curious, wanderluster step beyond comfort to miles and miles ahead to see what's out there, do long distance rides, camping and explore the landscapes.
Please do leave your comments and/or questions for the featured riders and enjoy!
JFK. Veevo
Biker Girl
Biker Girl
When did you start your long distance curiosity and where was the first ride you recall as being such a long ride?
I got my first road bike (my purple KHS) in the fall of '08, but I've been into going FAR for only about a year.  The first ride that I got that "Its windy, I'm hungry, can you guys wait up? We've been gone for 6 hours" feeling was riding around Tahoe last summer.  Its a beautiful ride, I highly recommend it but watch out for 69 year-old drivers from Chico who will run you off the road!

What upcoming rides do you have +the location?
In October I'm riding the Medio Fondo up on Santa Rosa, featuring the exhilarating Coleman Valley Road climb along the coast!  I've done two centuries this year (Napa Tour de Cure and Marin Century) but I think this ride is going to be the most beautiful!  (watch it rain now).
Tahoe Caravan
Tahoe Caravan
Gran Fondo Pit Stop
Gran Fondo Pit Stop

The 3 things that are a must to bring with you:
Saddle bag with patches, spare tube, mini multi tool, and an emergency Clif Shot (I consistently have a mini emotional breakdown at 50 miles that can be circumvented by GU at mile 48).

Google Maps on my phone (I get lost a lot)

Arm warmers.  Even in the middle of summer!

Other helpful tips you have for women (undies, food, sunblock etc.) +men, who are new and/or curious about long-distance riding:
It sounds weird, but there is powder sunscreen that comes in a tube with a flow-through brush.  Its terrific for applying to your sweaty, greasy face because it absorbs oil as well as give SPF!  I use Peter Thomas Roth Instant Mineral because the tube is slim. 

Riding out a few zip codes is mentally so refreshing.  You get away from familiar places and you get a lot of time to just think inside your head, in a new environment.  Its healing.  Just go the pace you are comfortable with, and remember to keep eating!

Favorite meal/beverage after a long ride:
Coconut water is the most refreshing beverage by far.  I'm not normally a huge meat eater but pretty much anything on a plate that used to be alive makes me really happy.  Like Kebabs.  On a stick.  On a plate.  In my hand.

**All photos by davidnichols
♥Gracias Vivian!!


  1. oh hey, there's dan with vivian in the last photo! this is inspiring as i started doing long distance riding this summer but i've only worked up to 25 miles so far. this is a question for viv... did you do any pre-training or preparations before you started riding long distance?

  2. What an inspiration! I thought I rode a lot, but she sets the standard. Thanks for highlighting such a road soldier!

  3. I LOVE this series. I feel like less of an odd ball. And I love this quote: "You get away from familiar places and you get a lot of time to just think inside your head, in a new environment. Its healing." Well said, and I completely get it.

  4. I love that place, so cool to visit with.

  5. more bikes than shoesFriday, October 08, 2010

    I have a major crush on Meli and Vivian.


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×