Thursday, November 18, 2010

The corner of stripes y hearts

Looking straight, right and down while waiting for the light to turn green.
Stripes of the day
Straight ahead - Our legs speak the same language.
sister. sister.
To the right - sister. sister. holla!
People keep leaving their hearts here.
People keep leaving their hearts here. Come back and get them already!!


  1. the 2nd pic reminded me of the brown sisters:
    used to be very popular back in the 70's, i don't hear much about them anymore. i hadn't noticed the long huret shift levers on Frenchie before, i used to have those on a '71 raleigh super course "back in the day". and yes, someone in sf has part of my heart and that's ok with me...

  2. I see that messenger nearly every day getting off the bike shuttle in the mornings. Consistently rad socks, rasta helmet cover, and a pink Guercotti that this picture simply does not do justice...

  3. eric/ ah yea!! so cool those twins.
    yes huret all over. frenchie will protect that little piece of il tuo cuoro :D

    aaron/ oh yea!? so rad, I have seen him tons and always too fast for me to get his photo. caught him rite before the twins. he rocks


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×