Thursday, January 27, 2011

Photo del día: picking candy.

I forgot to show you the photo that I submitted just for fun, in the photo competition that the fine site candycranks held.
The contest ran through the month of December 2010.

This is in front of the Asian Art Museum, and I had forgotten all about the timer. I'm not very good at that, I get easily distracted.
Looks like I'm picking my nose, perhaps. But I'm removing my shades, I ran into a friend. Read on, and check out all the entries here:
Submission to candy cranks -- DEC 2010
Submission to CandyCranks -- DEC 2010


  1. Yes removing your shades! Of course! :)

  2. Even if you were picking your nose and don't say you don't 'cause everybody does you'd still be a cutie pie.
    I think I'll wear my red knee socks and knickers today.

  3. Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode..."it wasn't a pick!"

  4. Just a picture of you being awesome, as always.

    Thanks for the card! It made my day.

  5. Qué guapa para montar en bici, geniales los guantes!!

  6. =DD ha haaa you all crack me up!!
    xxom <3


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×