Friday, May 1, 2015


Some evenings is good to order the spicy number
Drink the jasmine tea
Chat over chopsticks
and share the peanut sauce

and a tsing tao, please.

Some dinners come with a little cookie
some lucky numbers
and some few fortune words

mi drawing today (trippy leaf), and a yummy watercolor salad by Lydia y texture monster by Tom.

Some workday lunches
in the courtyard
we bring our art boxes
and we draw our pals

wednesdays de homebrews, mi fave lunch hour ;)

Some workday mornings
that dark haired woman appears
in a small place called a cube
with a little spark of a cheer

LUCKY ME: one of mi art directors/y biggest giants fan, got mi this cute beanie by crochet4schools. QUÉ AWESOME <3

*beanie, gifted by my dark haired woman art director, she bought from crochet4scolars. lucky me, what a beautiful little surpise :)


  1. awesome drawings, hats, words and fortunes! Happy weekend.

  2. my ampersand duck hangs happily on my fridge and each day it brings a smile to my face. thanks again, pretty lady. xxoxo

    1. i am SO glad to hear that, and to hear from you. thank you for sharing, i can envision it in your casa klug. xx

  3. Soulful! I always miss THE CITY when I read your blog.

    1. thanks as always gordon, very great to read your comments :)


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×