Friday, August 7, 2009


On Sunday while hanging out with Adrienne and James and trolling around the city all of Sunday, I was finally able to meet in person the proud owner of Orangina. It was very nice hearing two proud owners of Batavus bikes (Ade's yacht is also a batavus), so they chatted up about their affinity with these beautiful machines. While snacking, we also talked about the local flavor stuff, bicycle infrastructure, bike lane stories, you know, things we all SF dwellers have in common. I love his style, this young man is always nicely dressed in a simple and chic way and wears cute big sunglasses all the time.
&Thanx for introducing yourself Kendall, it was great meeting you and your orange companion. See you around, stay in touch - Cheers


  1. That is a bad ass bike with a chic owner. I wonder how much beer could fit on that front rack? :)

  2. Betcha it could have hauled Meli, no problem. ;=)

  3. Olá amigo! O teu espaço é muito bonito e tem belas fotos, porém se colocasses um tradutor, ficaria mais fácil para entender e comentar.



  4. Batavus donated 200 of these orange bikes to New York City this year to help commemorate the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's arrival. They're available for free loan during this month's Summer Streets events:

  5. Dottie/ Oh who knows, for weigh -sky's the limit! (well, okay a hig limit?!) those batavus are pretty tough!

    spiderleg/ haaa, maybe not so easily... ha haaa

    rosemildo/ Hi! thanks for stopping by and your suggestion, noted and added :)
    [tranlsated by google] obrigado pela visita e sua sugestão, notou e acrescentou :)

    carlos/ oh that is very cool!! thanks for sharing the link &info ;D


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×