Saturday, January 24, 2009

If your weekday mornings are free

Follow Recreation and Park Department GM Jared Blumenfeld
as he tours 220 city parks in 58 days... by bicycle!

I just came across this schedule to tour the city parks with Jared,
director of The City’s Department of the Environment. Very cool!

Bicycle ride meets in Golden Gate Park at 8:30.
More information here: SF Recreation & Parks: Parks Bike Tour

Via _The San Francisco Citizen


  1. That's pretty cool.

    I registerd Now the real work begins!

  2. I love bike riding! It's something I do not every Sunday, but I try to once every two weeks on my spare time! It's a bit hectic with the no-time that I have haha but it really is well worth it when I get down to it :)


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×