Tuesday, April 27, 2010

At the corner of melilands and caffeine avenue.

Without a date. Without a street sign.
Without a person to date it back to.
With my bicycle standing between my legs, this is how this corner decided to greet me.
Completely colorless. Completely colourful. Totally fake. Totally genuine.
Pick your very own perspective. Throw your own imaginary paint on it.
Run with it.
Ashbury at Hayes. San Francisco 2010
Passing time.
Passing time


  1. Excellent composition.
    I'm not qualified to judge but after 5 minutes of my eyes shifting back and forth from chairs to window then sliding off down hill I didn't just like it I loved it.

  2. thank you very much old fool. sometimes is taking the time to stop and see things, take out a minute. It really does feel good :D

  3. Oddly, you somehow managed to make this stark, colorless corner just a bit romantic - in a depressed, moody,French girl smoking a hand rolled cigarette sort of way.

  4. karen, and speaking of romantic - lookat your new little icon <333 luv it!


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×