East bay bike party NOV12 : San Leandro Pirate Parrrrty!
+info here: eastbaybikeparty.wordpress.com»
+Bicycle Film Festical: website
See its large size here: link
♥Saturday at 10am-1pm
SFBC Survey Ride: Connecting the City
via SF Bike Coalition CTC page
-North-South Backbone Route 10am-1pm
Meet at Aquatic Park Bathhouse, Beach St at Polk St♥Sunday at noon
What will it take to make San Francisco a world-class bicycling city, where continuous prioritized crosstown bikeways offer safe, comfortable, inviting routes for people of all ages and abilities to ride? With Connecting the City, the SF Bicycle Coalition sets out a road map to the realization of a healthy, happy, sustainable San Francisco that's great for bicycling. What will it look like, what will it take, and where do we start? Come along on one or all of these rides (see 10/23 & 11/6) examining three Priority Bikeways set out by Connecting the City to get us from here to there, by bike. SF Bicycle Coalition recreational rides are free for SFBC members (a $5 donation from non-members is appreciated); rain cancels rides. -sfbike.org/ctc
My girl Katie is organizig this badass event. Check it out!
City Hall - 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
$5-10 entry fee to benefit the SFBMA Broken Bones Fund
Rain or Shine
Prizes at the Victoria Theater @ 5PM
SUPER FUN Lady and Transgender alleycat on Sunday November 14. All proceeds go to benefit the San Francisco Bike Messenger Association's Broken Bones Fund.
BRING A MAP! Maybe one with an index...
Prize donations by:
Box Dog Bikes
Freight Bags
Afterparty at Zeitgeist.
♥Sunday at noon (Rescheduled from Nov 7)
Ecological history

Meets at noon: CounterPULSE, 1310 Mission at 9th
Sliding scale 15-20$
+info and details: shapingSF
-This trip through San Francisco's lost sand dunes, ponds, creeks and coastline will focus on the city from downtown north, covering the heart of the city, the waterfront and Yerba Buena cove, Telegraph Hill, Black Point, and Crissy Field in the Presidio... It's a social, historical and critical 4-hour tour through the city's ecological past and present.
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