Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Time for coffee.

Faye's video.
Before Ritual coffee was the new kid on the block on Valencia street (when it first opened in 2005, it used to be opened til 11PM), Fayes video on 18th and Farley's in Potrero Hill were among the spots for me to get coffee during late nights.
Work, school or pure addiction. Maybe all 3.
Anyways, I like the fact that even with such a local roaster sensational explosion, especially around the south of market and mission areas, there is at least one place I could get still an Italian dose of illy. Ride on Fayes!


  1. Nice old school roots, Meli! Yay fo' Faye's!

  2. ah yes, there's coffee, there's me :D
    i hearts this little place :D


with coffee in hand, sincere thanks for your readership ×