Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Saturday: Bart

We were headed on a standing-room only after the Warriors game on a westbound Bart train.

Some soft spoken guys with equally rough and beautiful calloused hands, were talking about tomorrow's BBQ, half English, half Tagalog. The one in the navy blue and orange thunder-era Warrior jacket offered me an open seat. I nodded and said Thanks, getting off soon. They smiled then sat down, and continued their BBQ chatter which had suddenly turned into a shopping list check-off.

Standing near the door was a young couple in the twenties perhaps, exchanging that look of glittery affinity for each other. Their body language was raw and delicate, without holding hands or talking though facing each other, they seemed perfectly synchronized.

If you like me, have a weak right knee that acts up past your bedtime while riding Bart or any moving public transportation dinosaur - you position your feet ready so you don't lose balance during each stop.


I find myself quite timid for certain things, but from time to time decide to go with my intuitive gut. It usually turns into somekind of story that I find myself telling my girlfriends over coffee. Or when people ask a sincere What is new? Stories are always new. Even if you repeat them, they are narrated differently.

Coming off that high adrenaline after watching the basketball victorious game, I talked to her and her boots.
× Nice docs. Don't think I have seen that combination yet.
× Oh, thanks! Looks like yours are pretty broken in.

× Ah, yes. Long milage for sure.

× Well I'd really like to break'em in good but haven't had a chance to wear these ones exclusively, YOU know - once you wear docs, you can't wear anything else. I have a few other pairs … she laughed.

×  Well said. I said.
Her docs were a matte black with a white sole and a gray bottom.
She smiled and waved goodbye.

Civic Center.

saturday: bart


Sunday, February 23, 2014

The New Yorker cover, August 1955

The New Yorker cover, August 1955 as a greeting card y grocery bag decoration :)
the new yorker cover, august 1955 as a greeting card y grocery bag decoration :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Spinster Saturday

Local filmmaker/producer/awesome amiga KT and her film The Spinster featured in an interview by Brazil's Movimento Conviva QUÉ COOL♥ included with poster I designed for her limited edition poster (!!)
Check it out: The Spinster, suspense sobre duas rodas

Monday, February 3, 2014

mucha música Monday: febrero edition

Santa Sabina: Estando aqui no estoy
Having a teenager niece, I retract to music that I liked at her age and we talk about it. Last week I introduced her mid-90's björk songs and Rita Guerrero, the vocalist for Santa Sabina (Mexico). I got to see her once in concert, and it was a very indie/feminist inspiration, before I really knew what that meant. Rita passed about 3 years ago at age 46 :(

Hibbity Dibbity: Gold
Nice little tune that I found myself listening while reading the interwebs.
–found via the BayBridged

St. Lucia: When the Night [2013]
I forget how I came across this song. It's a bit fast if you like to wake up and listen to something a little upbeat while making coffee. It's 7 minutes, so boil water, grind and frenchpress after 5 minutes. It works out for me. Kinda want to wear fluorescent leg warmers, though.

Emmet y Edith Gowin
This particular video isn't about music per se. It is about love, craft and photography. Partnership from both ends of the lens, and in life. Such a beautiful relationship, I enjoyed viewing it so much.
–found via Ike Edeani

David Lynch: And Light Shines
This one dropped last week. It is just a tad, tiny bit, Negativland.

Ana Tijoux: Vengo
Ana's new album drops in March. Her new single Vengo (I come) became available a couple of weeks ago. She is such a good MC.

María del Pilar: Quien Eres
No better way to start the week, and the month with a new Pilar video. She is a total belleza musical! Her music is such a dose of mucho happy con glitter. ♥♥♥

Pharrell WIlliams: Happy (Dubs edition)
Speaking of happy, I love basketball. Love the dubs.
Last Thursday we got to see the premiere of this Golden State version video at the game versus LA Clippers during a prolonged timeout (nationally televised-game timeouts aka commercials, can be quite lengthy) with my friend Butter Bill at the Oracle Arena.
And Curry with an A's hat, not sure I can love that All-Star any more.

My fave are the little kids, they have some great moves. So talented!
It is inspired from the 24hoursofhappy by Pharell Williams, which I had not seen the website for … where have I been?! Very cool :)

Have a great week –– xxomeli.